February 27

5 Health Myths Proven Untrue

Have your parents ever told you some sort of health myth, or maybe you heard one online or at school? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but not all are true. Here are 5 health myths that are widely known, but are debunked by science!

1.) Sitting too close to the television is bad for your eyes.

Nope! With some models of very old tv’s that produce X-Rays, maybe, but with newer technology, only some eye fatigue.

2.) Gum stays in your system for seven years if you swallow it.

Also nope! Unless you swallow a whole bunch at once, it digests just the same as any other solid food.

3.) Carrots improve your vision.

Well, carrots are healthy, but studies show they don’t improve eyesight.

4.) Being cold will give you a cold.

No matter what anyone may have told you about this one, you are actually more likely to get sick indoors where germs are more easily passed.

5.) Cracking joints causes arthritis.

Cracking joints may annoy people around you, but scientists have found no reason to believe cracking your knuckles increases your chance of arthritis.

There are 5 common heath myths proven untrue by scientists! If you want to see a few more, here are a couple sources. Have a great day!


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Posted February 27, 2018 by Sarah in category Learning, Technology

12 thoughts on “5 Health Myths Proven Untrue

  1. Marianna

    Hi my name is Marianna and i’m from California. I thought all of these were true. I never swallow gum because I didn’t it to stay in my stomach forever. Did you believe these before you read about them? afascinatingblogbymarianna.edublogs.org

    1. Sarah (Post author)

      Hi Marianna! I think I saw you in the register for March 2018 student blogging challenge. If so, that’s awesome! I actually believed all of them except for the gum one and the carrot one. Anyway, have a great day!

  2. Kaeleigh Becker

    Hi Sarah! I’m Kaeleigh, I am from New Jersey and I am currently in college. I really loved this blog post. It was so well written and interesting. It grabbed my attention right away with your opening sentences. It is really important to have a great opening line that catches your reader’s attention and you did a great job of that. Keep up the good work!

    1. Sarah (Post author)

      Hi Kaeleigh! Thanks for commenting. I actually aspire to be a writer when I grow up, I’m currently writing two stories, so I guess I’ve just had a lot of practice with opening sentences. 😀 What do you want to be? One of my brothers is in college too, he wants to be an electrician. Have a great day!


  3. Anjahney Logan

    Hi Sarah my name is Anjahney and I’m 18. Growing up my mom used to tell me most of those things. She used to always tell me sitting to close to the tv was going to mess my eyes up but not once have my eyes had something wrong with them. Even though I am 18 I still kind of believe some of them.

    1. Sarah (Post author)

      Hi Anjahney! I’m 13, and my Mom still believes these even after I showed her the 7 heath websites that say otherwise. When I was little, I got really scared when my Mom told me the TV one, because I got glasses like a week later. :/ Fairly sure that it was just a really bad coincidence! Have a great day!

  4. Lucas

    Hi Sarah!

    I love this blog post you did! Not only do you display exceptional grammatical skills, you made the post enjoyable to read. I was already aware that gum does not stay in your system and cracking your joints does not cause arthritis but I did not know about the others. It is good to know that sitting too close to the tv is not bad for your eyes with modern televisions. I also was not aware that eating carrots improves your vision was a myth. I eat carrots a lot but not because I am trying to improve my vision. I eat them because they are a really good snack haha. The being cold myth is very useful. I never thought that being indoors is the place you most likely to get a cold from. Overall this information was very informative and extremely interesting!

    Best wishes!

    1. Sarah (Post author)

      Hi Lucas! Thanks for commenting! I actually want to be a writer when I get older, and have wanted to ever since I was 9. I’m currently writing 2 stories, “Multiplied” and “Infiltration”. I know the names are stupid, they’re just what I call them in my head until I decide on a better name. Reading, writing and art are my passions, so I guess I need to know how to phrase and spell and punctuate things well. I decided to write about the arthritis one because one of my brothers cracked his knuckles ALL THE TIME. Literally. Anyway, have great day!

  5. Samantha

    Hi Sarah!
    My name is Samantha and I’m from New Jersey, I must say that I believed almost all of these myths up until high school. The only one I believed to be true was, sitting too close to the television is bad for your eyes. I also believe staring at your cellphone for too long is bad for you which is kind of relate able. Did you believe any of them before you read about them ?

    1. Sarah (Post author)

      Hi Samantha! (By the way, I love your name!) Thanks for commenting! I believed all of these except for the carrot one until I wrote this. I got super worried when I was little at the TV one, because I had (and still have) glasses, and I thought it was from my iPad, but I guess not. Have a great day!

  6. hmsreise

    Hey Sarah! I really loved your post and I can’t to read more! My parents have told 3 out of the 5 lies you talked about. I believed sitting to clos to the TV would ruin eyes, gum stays in our stomach for 7 years, and being cold give us a cold. I don’t understand why parents lie to their kids so much. 😂 I wrote a similar post to this one. If you want to check it out here is the link Things Your Parents Told You That Are Lies
    (P.S please visit my blog)

    1. Sarah (Post author)

      Hi Hmsreise!
      My parents told ALL of these lies. I honestly think that they didn’t know that they were lies though, so I don’t blame them. Even though I never actually believed the cold one.
      Anyway, I will check out your blog soon!
      Have a great day!
      ~ Sarah


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